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Message to Marlene Katz

Marlene Katz - Jewish agent in Stuart FL

Marlene Katz

RE/MAX of Stuart - Marlene Katz
(772) 631-7775
(772) 631-7775


Residential Real Estate

About Marlene Katz

I have been selling real estate for 33 years and have sold over 1300 units. I was licensed in Louisiana before moving to Florida at the end of 2005. I have the ABR and SRES designations and am a member of the RE/MAX Hall Of Fame and have the RE/MAX Lifetime Achievement award as well. I am a college graduate of Tulane University. I am a member of Beit Ha Yam Synagogue in Stuart, Florida.


Florida, United States Licensed for 18 Years 9 Months Dec 2005 18 Years 9 Months Dec 2005


Skill: Conversational Agent


Tulane University Bachelors History 1972


National Association of Realtors Member 1988
Realtor Association of Martin County Member 2005


Primary Office Location

pin 729 SW Federal Hwy Ste 100 Stuart FL 34994

pin (772) 631-7775

Message Marlene Katz
(772) 631-7775